Rebranding Darling Media
After 10 issues with Darling magazine, for the 23rd issue Darling came to me with the desire to rebrand the entire company from logo to magazine. The summer of 2018, Darling Magazine issue 23 won the award for Complete Magazine Design (Single) by Applied Arts.
“Alyssa is an innovative designer with a knack for thinking outside of the box and creating simple, clean and impactful aesthetics. She has a professional, yet relatable nature that makes working with her an absolute pleasure—she’s fun, quick, savvy and at the top of her field.”
– Sarah Dubbeldam, CEO
Why the comma?
We believe that words are powerful—they are used to build up, to tear down, to debate, to shape—and they are sticky.
Since they hold such impact, we have to handle them carefully, all within thoughtful conversation. In the very beginning years we said, “Darling is like a letter from a friend,” and we are returning to just that sentiment and adding force to it. The comma is the spark, the invitation to conversation that we are sending out to each of you.
All-in-all, it’s a reminder that truth takes time, it takes relationship and it takes love.
Theme of issue 23: Imagination.
A selection of spreads from issue 23.